from 20.11 until 24.11
NOVEMBER 20: Holiday Styling Workshop at Silk Huis.
NOVEMBER 20: Paint what you want – art party.
NOVEMBER 20: Craft Club Intuitive Drawing Workshop at Stretch & Fold.
NOVEMBER 20: We ain’t strangers: chat & play offline hangout by the offline club.
NOVEMBER 21: Beaujolais Nouveau at September.
NOVEMBER 21: Cozy Collages at Studio Spoko.
NOVEMBER 21-23: Beaujolais Nouveau at Café Wu.
NOVEMBER 22: Dirty Dancing Movie Night at Silk Huis.
NOVEMBER 22: Amsterdam Latin Project Rooftop Latin Night at Zoku Amsterdam.
NOVEMBER 22: Paint & Heal: Ancestral Edition at Studio EF7.
NOVEMBER 23: Christmas Photoshoot at Silk Huis.
NOVEMBER 23: Watercolor Workshop with Wabisabi Gifts.
NOVEMBER 24: Mesjogge 5 years: Natural Wine Salon & Disco Pure Markt at Park Frankendael.
NOVEMBER 24: Hasta la vista movie night: Home Alone.
NOVEMBER 24: Dim Sum Sundays at Cornerstone.
NOVEMBER 24: Short Movie Sunday with South American Wines & Reggaeton.
NOVEMBER 24: Northern Light Paint & Sip with Art Party.